Conférences et signatures


Conference at the Lusófona University Oporto, organized by João Sousa Cardoso, may 14th 2024, Portugal

Signing at the Batalha Centro de Cinéma, organized by João Sousa Cardoso, may 14th 2024, Oporto, Portugal

Conference at the Lusófona University Lisboa, organized by João Sousa Cardoso, may 15th 2024, Portugal

Signing at the Cinemateca Portuguesa, organized by João Sousa Cardoso, may 16th 2024, Lisboa, Portugal

Conference at the Cotonificio Olcese University, organized by Angela Vettese, april 21th 2024, Venezia, Italia

Conference at the Mairie de Lyon, organized by Danielle Gillouin and Coco Bonnier, march 8th 2024, Lyon, France

Signing at the Mairie de Lyon, organized by Danielle Gillouin and Coco Bonnier, march 8th 2024, Lyon, France

Conference at IFAL, organized by Leila Voight, february 6th 2024, Mexico City, Mexico

Signing at the IFAL, organized by Leila Voight, february 6th 2024, Mexico City, Mexico

Conference at ZONA MACO, organized by Leila Voight, february 8th 2024, Mexico City, Mexico

Conversation at the Centro Banamex with Eduardo Mier y Teran, organized by Leila Voight, february 9th 2024, Mexico City, Mexico


Conference, organized by Rocio Santa Cruz, november 23th 2024, Andorra

Signing, organized by Rocio Santa Cruz, november 23th 2024, Andorra

Conference at KBR, organized by Joan Fontcuberta, november 03th 2024, Barcelona, Spain

Conference at the French Institute, organized by Da Fest, october 26th 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria

Conference at Sesc Paulista, september 03th 2024, São Paulo, Brasil

Signing at Sesc Paulista, september 06th 2024, São Paulo, Brasil

Conference at the Ernst Hilger Gallery, juin 28th 2024, Vienna, Austria

Signing at the Verbund Fondation, organized by Gabriel Schor, april 20th 2024, Vienna, Austria

Conference at the Verbund Fondation


BoCA Summer School workshop, organized by John Romão, september 29th- octobre 4th 2022, Lisbon, Portugal

Meeting with ORLAN and Marion Laval-Jeantet (Art Orienté Objet), quand l’art détourne la normativité médicale – moderated by Jens Hauser, september 28th 2022, Cité des Arts, Paris France

Table ronde at Empow(her) Festival, september 16th 2022, Cité fertile -Pantin, France

MoNDA Chart Art Fair, moderated by Jens Hauser  august 25th- august 27th 2022, Copenhagen Denmark

Domus Artist Residency, Perform(her), july 17th-25th, Galatina, Italy 

Conférence in Firminy, organized by Amaury Pontvianne, may 28th 2022, France

Conférence in Tulle, “Strip-tease : tout sur ma vie, tout sur mon art”, organized by Mathieu Leyrat, may 27th 2022, Corrèze, France

Université de Chicago, “Corps, Identités de genre et chirurgies sexuelles”, organized by Corinne Fortier, may 23rd 2022, Paris, France

Conférence and workshop in Firminy, organized by Amaury Pontvianne, may 20th 2022, France 

Université de Toulouse, Musée d’art moderne contemporain et Frac Les Abattoirs, “Plasticité du corps”, organized by Carole Hoffmann, may 11th 2022, Toulouse, France 

MO.CO Montpellier, Conversation with Numa Hambursin, february 17th 2022, Montpellier, France

Signature à la librairie l’Échappée Belle, 19 février, Sète
Conversation avec Numa Hambursin au MO.CO Montpellier, 17 février, Montpellier


Signature et rencontre avec Jean-Loup Champion, 7 Septembre à la Librairie Gallimard 
“Duelles” Belle Rive espace d’art Karine Saporta, Ouistreham, 16 Septembre
Signature et rencontre le 25 Septembre à La Fab Agnès B 
Remise du prix François Morellet, 10 Octobre aux Journées Nationales des Livres et du Vin, Saumur
Signature et conférence le 16 Octobre à la Fête du Livre de Saint Etienne
Rencontre avec Emmanuel Pierrat, 23 Octobre au Festival Littéraire de Cabourg
Signature et Rencontre le 19 Novembre à la FNAC Nice


Amphithéâtre Richelieu, Sorbonne, Femme avec tête, conversation avec Donatien Grau, 8 novembre Paris France

Université de Berne, L’autobiographie, 5 novembre, Berne, Suisse

Académie nationale de Médecine, Regarder, voir et être vu : Le regard en art et en médecine, 20 Septembre, Paris, France


L’étoile Manquante Bistro, Talk-show avec Wilon Balda, June 13th, Paris, France

Festival de l’histoire de l’art, ORLAN-Corps with Thierry Dufrêne, June 2nd, Fontainebleau, France

Musée Guimet, Prune Nourry, Colloque Sélections Procréatives, April 2017, Paris, France

Chambre d’Industrie et de Commerce, Grand Barouf du Numérique, ORLAN and Dominique Moulon, March 9th 2017, Lille, France

Le Carré, Biennale Circonférences, “Femme avec têtes”, organized by Bertrand Godot, performed by Alain Gintzburger, March 11th 2017, Chateau-Gontier, France

Théâtre des Sablons, “ORLAN”, March 7th 2017, organized par Elisabeth Couturier, Paris France

Maison des Arts de Malakoff, HER Story, organized by Julie Crenn, Malakoff, France.

University of Sheffield, Yuck Factor, organized by Helena Ifill, Sheffield, UK.

Royal Institute of Art, Kungliga Konsthögskolan, “What is a Mask?”, organized by Catherine Malabou, 26th-27th January 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.


CAPC, Opline Prize 3016, “Revenance”, November 5th, with Bernard Lafargue, Geneviève Fraisse, Alain Glykos, Bernard Vouilloux, Bordeaux, France.

Venice International Performance Art Week, Fragile Body, December 11th, organized by Andrea Pagnes, Venice, Italy.

Vienna Art Week, “Seeking Beauty”, November 15th 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Salon de la Photographie, November 12th, interview by Hervé Le Goff, organized by Didier de Faÿs, Paris, France.

Opline Prize 2016, selecting Prune Nourry, Jury “Revenance”, presented by Alain Fleischer, November 5th, Bordeaux, France.

Le Fresnoy, “Ceci est mon corps, Ceci est mon logiciel”, October 10th, presented by Alain Fleischer and Eric Prigent, Tourcoing, France.

Opline Prize 2016, selecting Prune Nourry, Jury “Revenance”, presented by Alain Fleischer, October 1st, Paris Nuit Blanche, France.

Busan Biennale, “ORLAN – Hybrid Arstist”, September 3rd at the Suyeong Factory Courtyard and 4th 2016 at the Shinsegae Center, Busan, South Korea.

Fondation Louis Vuitton, “Le Journal – Poésie actuelle”, July 1st 2016, organized by Anne-James Chaton, Paris, France.

BNF, La BNF accueille Karine Saporta “Philosophie du corps et danse contemporaine”, organized by Karine Saporta, 26thJune 2016, Paris, France.

Centre Pompidou, Malaga, Otra Noche “, Je est un autre et la metamorphose”, 9 april 2016, Paris, France.

Grand Théâtre, Forum d’Avignon, Les Rencontres internationales 2016, “À quoi rêvent les algorithmes?”, organized by Hervé Digne, 31 march to 1st april 2016, Bordeaux, France.

Centre Pompidou, Paris, “Exposer la recherche” with Sylvain Lizon, Christophe Viart, ORLAN, organized by Corinne Le Neun, Françoise Docquiert, February 8th 2016.

Museo Nacional de Antropologia, “Hibridos el cuerpo como imaginario”, “ORLAN : Les Métamorphoses du corps, l’individu à l’épreuve de l’imaginaire collectif”, organized by Antonio Saborit, Tatyana Franck, Miguel Fernandez Félix, February 4th 2016, Mexico? Mexique.

Musée des Beaux-Arts, “The body as imaginary”, Colloque Hybrides, organized by Tatyana Franck, 2,3,4 February 2016, Mexico City, Mexico.


Centre Pompidou, “Les Immatériaux, trente ans après”, Matière et Immatière aujourd’hui, table ronde avec Daniel Buren, ORLAN, Jean-Louis Boissier, Bracha L. Ettinger, Miguel Chevalier, organized by Christine Buci-Glucksmann and Thierry Dufrêne, 27 november 2015.

LA PLATEFORME PARIS PHOTO, “Photographie & Événement artistique : l’unique recréé” with Philippe Artières, Pascale Montandon-Jodorowsky, ORLAN, organized by Donatien Grau, 13 november 2015, Grand Palais, Paris, France.

CENTQUATRE, “Table ronde : Vers l’inaccessible parité ?”, organized by : Les Talentueuses, 22 october 2015, Paris, France.

FRAC Midi-Pyrénées, Les Abattoirs, “Femme avec tête(s)”, 1 october 2015, Toulouse, France.

The Dali museum, St Petersburg, Florida “Conference Picasso/Dali”; 6 february 2015, USA

Table-ronde, “L’Emencipation créatrice” programme PRESAGE SciencePo. February 3th

Table-ronde, “PAUL in PARIS in PARIS”, Monnaie de Paris, January 4th


Silencio, Conversation avec Medhi Brit pour “Interviwer la performance” 26 november

Table-ronde, Le Cube, “Quel art en 2050?” 24 november

Ateliers d’artistes et scientifiques, “Projet Synenergene” 20-24 october

Oplineprize 2014, Bordeaux, Jury “Identités miltiples à l’ère numérique” 28,29 november, France

Centre George Pompidou; “In vivo, code couleur”; 18th september; Centre Pompidou, France

Université d’Angers; Conférence sur les performances “Femmes sans têtes”; 8 April, Université, Angers, France

Centre Vinci international de congrès de Tours; “performance et chirurgie plastique”; Saturday 24 may; Tours, France

Selfridges Beauty Salon; “The boom in body alteration”; London; 22 may; London, UK


La Sorbonne; séminaire Pragmatisme et création; 5 december,Paris, France.

Corum de Montpellier; “Forum Libération: le corps, quel engin!”, 9 November, Montpellier, France.

Grand Palais; FIAC 2013; 25 october, Paris, France.

La Alhondiga, “Feminism perspectives in Art production and theories of art”, 26 october, Bilbao, Spain.

XLVI Aica Internationnal, “congress 2013, inaugural lecture”, 24 September, Kosice, Slovakia.

Fondation Hartung-Bergman, séminaire art et feminisme, “Femmes avec tête(s)”,   30 august, Antibes, France

Forum Europeen de Bioethique, “Mon corps, mon image : Jeux d’identités”, 30 January, Strasbourg, France

The City University of Hong Kong: School of Creative Media: “This is my body, this is my software”. 15 March. Hong Kong, China.

Musee des Moulages au Universite Paul-Valery: “This is my body, this is my software” April, Montpellier, France


Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-salle, “Les Questions de transplantation, table ronde autours de l’Oeuvre d’ORLAN”, May 23rd, Cerisy-la-salle, France

Zagreb Museum Contemporary Art, “Femme avec tête(s)”, organized by Leila Topic, 25 April, Zagreb, Croatia

Villa Arson, “Femme avec tête(s)”, organized by Giovanni Joppolo, 9 March, Nice, France

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, “Femme avec tête(s)”, organized by Victoria di Rosa, 14 March, Sevilla, SPAIN

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Academia de Artes Guerrero, “Cuerpos en situacion Homenaje a ORLAN”, 12 March-24 May, Colombia, USA


Université Paris Descartes, “Que peut la chirurgie?”, organized by Patrick Berche, Hugues Marchal, 22 June Paris, France


The Schmidt Center Gallery Public Space, “Bodies of Art” Florida Atlantic University”, 2 december, Boca Raton, USA

Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, “Les femmes s’entêtent : 40 ans de mouvements de libération des femmes”, organized by Fabienne Dalli, 24 november, Lyon, France

Hixson Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, “Public Lecture / Performance, “Interdisciplinary Arts Symposium” (IAS)”, 2 november, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Théâtre du Rond-Point, “ORLAN, Hybridons-nous !”, La Monstrueuse Université, organized by Jean-Daniel Magnin, 10 october, Paris, France

Université Paris Descartes, “Théâtre et Médecine”, organized by Florence Filippi, 28 may, Paris, France

Sciences Po, “Etats Généraux de la Femme”, organized by ELLE magazine, 7 may, Paris, France

Sciences Po, “Transeuropa Festival : Feminism in Europe in 2010”, organized by European Alternatives | Ségolène Pruvot, with ORLAN, Geneviève Fraysse, Elsa Dorlin and Michela Marzano,3 may, Paris, France

Centre Georges Pompidou – BPI, “Les normes de genre dans la création contemporaine : reproduction/déconstruction”, organized by Alain Seban et Christine Détrez, 6 february, Paris, France


Museo dell’Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti, “Incontro con l’artista ORLAN”, for the Festival “Matilde di Canossa” Dell’Eccelenza al Femminile, 9-16 November, organized by Consuelo Barilari, with Achile Bonito Oliva, 15 november, Genova, Italy

Cordoaria Nacional, “Inside [Art and Science]”, curator Leonel Moura, 8 november, Lisbon, Portugal

Centre Georges Pompidou, “Un dimanche, une œuvre: le Baiser de l’artiste, d’ORLAN”, with Bernard Blistène and Emma Lavigne, 20 october, Paris, France

Brooklyn Museum, “This is My Body, This is My Software: Between Western and Non-Western Culture”, april, New York, USA

Musée du Quai Branly, International Symposium on Performance, art and anthropology, “Ceci est mon corps. . . Ceci est mon logiciel. Entre culture occidentale et non occidentale” March, Paris, France


Yeditepe University, “ORLAN and Aesthetics Surgery”, Istanbul, Turquey

Museum of modern art, “This is My Body, This is My Software: Between Western and Non- Western Culture”, 21 august, Rio, Brazil

Courtauld Institut, “This is My Body, This is My Software: Between Western and Non-Western Cultures”, 7 februrary, Londres, UK

Goldsmiths university, “This is My Body, This is My Software: Between Western and Non- Western Cultures”, 4 february, London, UK

Central School of Speech and Drama Embassy Theater (UCL), “This is My Body, This is My Software: Between Western and Non-Western Cultures”, 5 february, Londres, UK

Fundation for art and creative technology, “Harlequin Coat”, Liverpool, UK, 10 February


La maison populaire, “Ton corps est un champs de bataille”, 9 November, Montreuil, France

Holmes a Court Galerie, “This is My Body, This is My Software”, 13 September, Perth, Australia

Théatre de l’Espace Cardin, “Art contemporain : Tactiques ou nécéssités”, 19 october, Paris, France

Gallery of New South Walles, “This is my Body, This is My Software”, co-hosted by the University of Technology and the Art Gallery of New South Wales, 30 july, Sydney, Australia

University of Western Australia, “This is My Body, This is My Software: Between Western and Non-Western Cultures”, 26 july, Perth, Australia

Calart, “This is My Body. . . This is My Software between western culture and no western culture”, 19 April, Valencia, USA

Rutgers University, “This is My Body. . . This is My Software between western culture and no western culture”, 21 March, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA


Museum Kunst Palast, “Den Körper im Blick. Grenzgänge zwischen Kunst, Kultur und Wissenschaf”, Düsseldorf Quadriennale, October, Düsseldorf, Germany

CENDEAC, “Ceci est mon corps. . . Ceci est mon logiciel”: ORLAN y la experiencia de la carne, July, Murcia, Spain

Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center, at UCLA, “Subject of Violence”, May, Los Angeles, USA

Getty Research Institute, “The Aesthetics of Risk”, April, Los Angeles, USA

New York University Performa: “We are still Appalled 5th symposium in the Not for Sale series”, April, New York city, USA

Institute, “Critical Conversations in a Limo”, april, New York, USA

Long Beach University, March, Long Beach, USA

National Academy of Sciences and the Center for Art and Cultural Program (UMBC), “Virtual Symposium on Science and Visual Culture”, online conference, March, Washington, DC, USA

ARCO, february, Madrid, Spain

UCLA, Department of Art and Design and Media Center, January, Los Angeles, USA


Telmex Auditorium, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, october, MexicoCity, Mexico

Art Center College of Design, october, Pasadena, USA

OTIS, october, Los Angeles, USA

Arthotèque, Saint-Denis de la Réunion, France

Bass Museum, Miami Beach, USA

Washington University in Saint Louis, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, USA


Centre National de la Photographie, Paris, France

Moscow House of Photography, Moscow, Russia

 100 Tonson Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand

Sejul Gallery, Seoul City, Korea


Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain des Pays de Loire, Carquefou, France


Centro de Fotografia, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain


Regional School of Art, Marseille, France

Le Parvis, Contemporary Art Center, Ibos, France

Festival e-phos “Hybrid body and the beast”, Athens, Greece


Bregenzer Kunsteverein Magazin 4, Bregenz, Austria

French Institute of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Aussen Institut, “L’homme artificiel”, Aix la Chapelle, Germany

Biennale d’Art Contemporain, Lyon, France


Pezner, “L’art charnel”, Villeurbanne, France


Regional School of Art, Nantes, France

Contemporary Art Fair, Gualdalajara, Mexico

Institute of Contemporary Arts, “Totally wired, Science, Technology and the human form, This is my body. . . This is my software”, London, UK


Chapter Gallery, Cardiff, UK

MACBA, Barcelona, Spain

Belem Contemporary Art Center, Lisbon, Portugal

“This is my Body, This is My Software”, Camerawork, London, UK

Lichthaus Center, Bremen, Germany

Nikolaj Church, Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Washington Scool of Art, Seattle, USA

Fine Arts Academy of Brera, Milano, Italy

Université Michel de Montaigne, “Question d’identité, identité en question, ORLAN hors limites”, Bordeaux, France

CAPC Musée d’art contemporain, “Le corps d’ORLAN comme chimère”, Bordeaux, France


Kunsthalle Brandts Klaedefabrik, “Body As Membrane”, Odense, Denmark

University Museum-Laboratory, Rome, Italy

Sala 1, Rome, Italy

ICA, “Woman with Head”, London, UK

The London Institute, London, UK

Académie Charpentier, Paris, France


Centre Georges Pompidou, “Polyphonix 14”, Paris, France

Biennale, “Sclupture”, Padua, Italy

Triple X Festival, Amsterdam, Netherland

University of Warwick, “Virtual Futurs”, Warwick, UK

Museo Reina Sofia, “Art Futura”, Madrid, Spain

Kunsthalle, Kiel, Germany

Cultural Center of Budapest, International Performance Art Meeting “Evocation, PERFORIUM”, Budapest, Hungary


Kuntesverein, Salzburg, Austria

Emorig University, Atlanta, USA

Chassis Post Gallery, Atlanta, USA

Nexus Center, Atlanta, USA

The Forum, “The second annual Feminist Activism ans Art Conference”, Camerawork, San Francisco, USA



Penine Art Gallery, New York, USA

Landesmuseum, “Ars Electronica”, Linz, Austria


Emily Harvey Gallery, New York, USA

University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Galeria Wieza Cisnien, “Kohin 92, Second International Meeting of Active Art”, Konin, Poland


Université Paris 8, Colloque international pour la photographie “La photo par tous les bouts”, St-Denis, France


Neue Galerie, Deutsch Französisches Jugenwerk, “Action ORLAN-Corps: Etudes documentaires : la tête de Méduse”, 3 december, Germany

University of Medicine Paris Descartes, Paris, France

Universidad nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogota Facultad de Artes, Colombia

Amiens University, Amiens, France

Art Academy, Berlin, Garmany

Art Center, Pasadena, USA